ZISC seminar talk by David Silvester, Manchester

David Silvester (Chair in Numerical Analysis, The University of Manchester
(currently on sabbatical at Universität Heidelberg) is giving a seminar talk entitled

“Bespoke stochastic Galerkin approximation of nearly incompressible elasticity”

November, 14th, 2019, 2:15 pm

ZISC seminar room 0.02-142, Casa Huber, Martensstr. 5a, 91058 Erlangen

The seminar is hosted by Ulrich Ruede, Chair of Computer Science 10 (System Simulation)

We discuss the key role that bespoke linear algebra plays in modelling PDEs with random coefficients using stochastic Galerkin approximation methods. As a specific example, we consider nearly incompressible linear elasticity problems with an uncertain spatially varying Young’s modulus. The uncertainty is modelled with a finite set of parameters with prescribed probability distribution. We introduce a novel three-field mixed variational formulation of the PDE model and focus on the efficient solution of the associated high-dimensional indefinite linear system of equations. Eigenvalue bounds for the preconditioned system are established and shown to be independent of the discretisation parameters and the Poisson ratio. If time permits we will also discuss the solution of poroelasticity problems modelled by Biot consolidation with uncertain coefficients.

This is joint work with Arbaz Khan and Catherine Powell.

David Silvester will be visiting the Lehrstuhl für System Simulation on
Nov 14+15, 2019. Whoever is interested to meet David can contact Prof. Rüde directly!